Loser... read what I said again. Neither Lebanon nor Israel is to blame for Hezbollah.
The reason this is happening is because, Hezbollah was on notice. The were on the slippery slope to irrelevancy. Resolution 1559 and the ousting of Syria from Lebanon combined with the fact that Israel was backing off. The writing was on the wall.
How to make yourself relevant? Start a war!
While I would never expect them to do it, the perfect response from Israel would have been to do nothing. Take a non-confrontational approach. Defend the border but just suck up the casualties.
The pain and destruction would have been a lot to bear BUT, the Public Relations battle would eventually be won.
Then they would offer to work with the UN and the Lebanese Army to rid the world of the irrelevant Hezbollah.
It would take longer and there would be lives lost but it could be more lasting peace.
The current approach will work and it will work quickly and with a reduced loss of life in the Israeli side. But it won't solve anything. It will just bring back the status quo... in the meantime, in the face of an agressive Israel, Hezbollah is relevant once more.
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke