Originally Posted by DEI37
I can not agree with this. I'll explain. Even if it is a first offense, that doesn't mean that the second won't kill one, two, five, or eight people. I'd almost go so far as to say that NOT revoking the license PERMANENTLY on a first offense is being an accessory/accomplice. I know that is probably overkill, but in my opinion, not by much. At that point, the officer/judge/whoever has allowed them to go has opened up the opportunity for another offense, quite possibly with fatal consequeces. Next time around, people aren't so lucky, and the blood of the victims would fall partially on the first arresting officers' hands.
Driving is a privilege, not a right. People need to understand that. I have to agree 100% with Gilda on the point of mistakes, or not mistakes. Yeah, people make mistakes every day. In the car, and out of it. We're human...it's gonna happen. However, driving drunk is NOT a mistake. It's a choice, and a selfish one. You might think you're OK, but the family who's lives you take...they know better.
I can't totally disgree with you, but nor can I totally agree. In the sense that driving is a privledge, you are absolutely right, and most people don't view it like that. However, laws are created with a graduated punishment system, based on number of offenses for a reason...
I mean, are you trying to tell me that you never made a CHOICE, and then later decided it was a mistake? There really isn't any reason someone shouldn't know that driving drunk is a mistake, but none the less.
I think I would liken your idea of absolute extent of the law on first offense to throwing a petty crime shoplifter in jail for grand larceny.
I mean by that rule of thinking, we ought to start locking up people suspected of maybe, possibly, commiting a murder in the next ten years, regardless of wether or not they actualy would or did. Haha, hate to referance a bad movie here, but Minority Report. Punish them before them commit the crime.
Now I know that's an extreme comparison, but it's going to illustrate my point, not draw a realistic parallell.
Originally Posted by LLL2
Quick question, If i remember right, it takes one hour to a beer to go through your system, So if you drink 5 beers, or 5 shots , it should be out of your system in 5 hours ?
I never drove drunk(never so drunk that i couldn't drive)
Well, two things... First, yea, if you have five drinks it takes 5 hours for it all to completely exit your system. Keep in mind, this is an average. It varies by person. Also, depending on body mass, and your system, the amount of alcohol needed to raise your BAC over the limit may also vary. Similar in how long it takes you to get your BAC below limit again after those 5 beers.
And your BAC doesn't necesarily tell you how impaired you are. Anyone who has drank while very tired knows a few beers and they're ready to pass out.
Lastly... Never so drunk you couldn't drive. Sorry bud, but thats the alcohol-induced confidence talking. "Never so drunk I couldn't drive" means: "I was drunk, and I was driving"