Yep, I do it as much as possible: junk mail/newspaper, glass, plastic bottles, and cardboard if they take it.
I remember going on a recycling kick when I was about 10 years old (17 years ago!) and my parents freaked out. I set up all these bags in the kitchen and they got in the way of everything... my parents went back to not recycling anything after about two days of that.
Once I finally moved out and got my own place, I've recycled as much as possible. As Cyrnel said, I feel awful if a glass bottle or plastic bottle ends up in the regular garbage... I imagine it sitting there, not rotting, not decomposing, for eons... and that's my only token to the earth? So I recycle.
Then again, you must wonder... archaeology would be rather pointless if everyone recycled in the past.
Then again, their levels of consumption were so much less than ours, it's doesn't even matter.