I've been recycling my garbage for about 15 years. One thing I noticed is that there are some types of plastic that the recycling company won't take, and this hasn't changed in those 15 years. I always believed that the number of material types that would be accepted by the recycling company would increase over time, but it hasn't happened.
Really recycling as done in most neighborhoods strikes me as a wonderful scam. First they make you feel guilty, often they make it mandatory, then they force you to seperate, clean, and after you do this for them, they make the money off you and you get nothing but that feeling that you 'did something'. Reminds me of the Simpsons episode on recycling.
So while I applaud the motivation, I have to wonder how much of this is about saving the environment and how much is about profit.
We have to pay a fee for curbside pickup of garbage, so I do feel like I "did something"...I save myself some $$$, and I do feel good about helping to reduce the amount of garbage in landfills, but as I state in my observation above, the recycling program could be much better. It's probably not profitable for some types of materials to be recycled, and that is the main motivation of recycling companies.