Originally Posted by Ample
Back when I was station in Washington State, they siphoned through your garbage for you at the dump. I think that is a better idea than asking people to do it on their own. Not because its more convenient for us, but its a way to make sure it gets done.
This is the only real viable recycling method that would have any impact.
The current method in most areas reminds me of the scrap metal drives in WWII. They didn't really do much for the war but they were promoted since it made people feel involved in helping the war effort. I think recycling is being run in the same manner. Its more about feeling and caring and teaching your kids than anything about making a real difference. Being someone who wants to see substance over symbolism I am not in favor of such methods. I also think there is something odd in that in my area (and I'll assume most others) you don't get paid for your recyclables, but they want you to do all the sorting and even cleaning. If you saved up your cans, you could take them in yourself and get money back for them, and even then its enough that the recycling plant makes a profit.
Really recycling as done in most neighborhoods strikes me as a wonderful scam. First they make you feel guilty, often they make it mandatory, then they force you to seperate, clean, and after you do this for them, they make the money off you and you get nothing but that feeling that you 'did something'. Reminds me of the Simpsons episode on recycling.
So while I applaud the motivation, I have to wonder how much of this is about saving the environment and how much is about profit.