Originally Posted by Kadath
1. How many situations have you experienced which required the use of a gun to resolve? I'm asking in your civilian life, and I'll acept your judgement on whether it was required or not. I also recognize "that's not the point"; I'm just curious.
Luckily, to this point anyway, I have never HAD to use a gun to resolve anything and I hope that it stays that way for the rest of my life.
Originally Posted by Kadath
2. You live in the Dallas/Ft Worth area, approximately, what, 300 miles from the Mexican border? Your major metropolitan area has a substantial police force. Fort Hood, Fort Sam Houston, and several other military bases are between you and the oncoming horde of reconquistas. Are you actually afraid of them, or is your behavior just posturing?
Having been in the marines for 6 years and having seen how it takes DAYS for the military to actually organize and then deploy for any issue, I am telling you that IN THE EVENT of any substantial attack (whether it comes from the border OR within any city limits) the population there will be ON THEIR OWN for almost a week. It won't matter that there is a military base right next to the city or IN the city. It won't matter that there will be thousands of marines or soldiers within walking distance of any attack. The commander of that base will first see to the security of that installation, THEN will wait for an order from the president to filter down to him, THEN will organize the units and equipment to venture out and confront the situation. During that time, every citizen who has found themselves in the 'combat' area WILL BE ON THEIR OWN.
It's not that the government doesn't WANT to protect them, they will simply be unable to for almost a week. Does that make me afraid of the oncoming horde? No, quite honestly. I don't fear for myself, but I do fear for my family and all of those around me who will be defenseless because those who wish to disarm everyone because of their own fears or insecurities, put us all at risk.
Will we ever be invaded? we already have, in my opinion.
Will the illegals ever attack us violently and try to take back what they think is theirs? I don't know and I don't think anyone else does either.
Should we accept the fact that it's possible and prepare for it or do we naively believe that something like that would never happen? We either take steps to protect ourselves and our country or we change the constitution by de facto.
Originally Posted by Kadath
I think you are the one not approaching this realistically, but I think you are doing it deliberately.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion, much as I am entitled to mine thinking that you, and those who think like you, would rather keep your head in the sand than to approach issues with any 'big picture' rationale. It's people that think like you do that clamor for government protection because you don't want to deal with the responsibility yourself, but then whine and cry when it doesn't happen the way you want it to. So you clamor for even better protection because you STILL won't accept the responsibilities that the founding fathers gave you, so we end up with even MORE big government and LESS actual rights.