So neither group recognizes the other as a legitimate political entity with any right to exist, the main difference being that Israel has an institutionalized method of fighting the war (whilst violating international law to which they might not be bound, but I refer to it as a sort of "standard protocol" for armed conflict), while the Palestinian groups are a more scattered bunch, fighting their side of the conflict (also violating international law) as guerillas and suicide bombers. Both sides target civilians, and do whatever they consider necessary to accomplish their goals. Is this a more accurate description?
Also, I see what you're saying about the actions that must be taken for safety's sake, but unfortunately, it is precisely those actions that garner support for Israel's opponents. I simply cannot consider this the only acceptable course of action because it basically boils down to whether we'd rather see Israeli lives and property destroyed, or Palestinian lives and property destroyed. Allowing either only widens the rift between the two sides, as more cries for vengeance and more angry soldiers or suicide bombers are borne from the violence visited upon them on purpose or by circumstance.
What has especially shaken my view of the situation was footage I saw of a Palestinian family sitting on the curbside weeping as they watch Israeli bulldozers destroy their newly built house, not because they had any ties to terrorism, but because it was impossible for them to get through all the red tape needed to build a house sanctioned by the Israeli bureaucracy, while more Israeli families are encouraged to settle and "dig-in" to the West Bank so they might claim it as their own territory. Looking into the faces of the family, especially the young boys, I saw the kind of confusion and anger that takes anchor in the heart and fills the mind with thoughts of violence that might never be quelled. It was like watching the birth of a suicide bomber. In the parent's faces, I saw nothing but despair. I can not justify this as protection of any Israeli interests other than forcing innocent Palestinians out of the West Bank. Are they not worthy of living peacefully and working on land that they own, in a land they consider sacred? Do the actions of a few condemn the many? If so, we are all in a lot of trouble.
We can do better than this.
I am the very model of a moderator gentleman.