But I still don't think one DWI should mean a permanent revokation of a license, IF no one is injured.
I can not agree with this. I'll explain. Even if it is a first offense, that doesn't mean that the second won't kill one, two, five, or eight people. I'd almost go so far as to say that NOT revoking the license PERMANENTLY on a first offense is being an accessory/accomplice. I know that is probably overkill, but in my opinion, not by much. At that point, the officer/judge/whoever has allowed them to go has opened up the opportunity for another offense, quite possibly with fatal consequeces. Next time around, people aren't so lucky, and the blood of the victims would fall partially on the first arresting officers' hands.
Driving is a privilege, not a right. People need to understand that. I have to agree 100% with Gilda on the point of mistakes, or not mistakes. Yeah, people make mistakes every day. In the car, and out of it. We're human...it's gonna happen. However, driving drunk is NOT a mistake. It's a choice, and a selfish one. You might think you're OK, but the family who's lives you take...they know better.