Originally Posted by krwlz
And repeat offenders, yes they should get nailed, though I think 2nd degree murder is the wrong offense. If there was a comprable punishment for Manslaughter while driving impaired, than I would agree to it whole heartedly.
Second-degree murder is ordinarily defined as 1) an intentional killing that is not premeditated or planned, nor committed in a reasonable "heat of passion" or 2) a killing caused by dangerous conduct and the offender's obvious lack of concern for human life.
Definition 2 fits quite nicely with a drunk driver who kills. It's a killing, dangerous conduct, and displays an obvious lack of concern for human life.
But I still don't think one DWI should mean a permanent revokation of a license, IF no one is injured. The Interlock, fine, harsher fines and punishment, go for it. Revocation of something that is all but essential in our current society... I think they should have the chance to prove themselves, and earn it back.
I disagree, however, I wouldn't object to a one year suspension for a first offense, along with a month in jail, and a permanent revocation for a second offense (with a year in jail) or if caught driving during that one year.
Driving drunk is a choice, one that often kills. Peopl who choose to engage in behavior that endangers the lives of others should be held responsible for that behavior.