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Old 07-17-2006, 07:15 PM   #159 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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Originally Posted by billege
That must be a big step down from your horse. I'll get off mine if you'll get off yours...

Israel isn't perfect, of course. They put up with an incredible amount of violence from terrorists, and still can't be seen as justified when they react. Yet, I read page after page after page of apologists for terroists on the arab "side." I read how it's understandable this group shot up Israel for "insert wrong done do them here," over and over again. Isreal says "enough is enough," and it's still about how wrong Israel is.

If my descion of what I think is right and wrong earns me your insults about my "simplistic" view of black and white politics, than so be it. Your tone is deliberately sarcastic and condescending. Way to raise the level of discussion in a rapidly disentegrating thread.
Well you are still calling me an apologist for terrorists, so you still aren't seeing my words. If I want Hezbollah dismantled and brought to justice, then how am I an apologist? If I was an apoligst, then why did I say "Damn them" about the Hezbollah in post #67? Why did I say, "Hezbollah deserves to be brought to justice for what they've done, not just now, but over the past 20 years. They are by definition a terrorist group. They are trying to declair war on Israel" in post #80? Why did I say, "Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, and other radical terrorists = bad, and should be brought to justice by courts" in post #149? Is that apologism, or is that condemnation? I'd say it's condemnation, but if you think it's apologism, then let me make this clear: I have never condoned the terrorist acts of the Hezbollah organization. It is a horrible, racist group that only exists to destroy a group of people, which is wrong. They have commited unspeakable acts over the past 20 years. If Hezbollah was gone tomorrow, I would celebrate.

One can condemn both sides of a conflict without choosing either side, right? Can't I say, "Hezbollah has been wrong for 20 years, AND Israel is wrong for targeting civilian targets"? Or does that mean that I am an apologist?

As for the insult thing: prove me wrong. I was insulted when you said:
Originally Posted by billege
It's amazing how much double talk and compramised morals get into play when people fall over themselves to condemn Israel.
...but instead of crying foul, I figured that I could simply make you back up your claims. So am I an apologist for the Hezbollah? Or am I sympathetic towards the Lebanese citizens who had nothing to do with the kidnappings and attacks on Israel?

Originally Posted by Democracy Now!
Israel's bombardment of Lebanon has entered its sixth day and the Lebanese death toll has now topped 150: almost all of them civilians. Meanwhile, Hezbollah is continuing to fire rockets at northern Israel. On Sunday, a missile hit Haifa, Israel's third largest city. The Israeli death toll since now stands at around 24.
This is a horrible situation, and my thoughts are still with those innocents, Israeli and Lebanese, who are in danger.

Last edited by Willravel; 07-17-2006 at 07:41 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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