Originally Posted by krwlz
lol, whatever, I give up (though I do remember my high school english teacher telling me 'Like' was used for comparison...). I wonder if I can tell the next cop that pulls me over that I wasn't in control of myself, and therefore not elligible for a speeding ticket.
krwlz, you seem to be obsessed beyond reason with the idea that she is simply using this argument as an excuse to get out of punishment.
You are "reading" the situation as though she was a normal, functional, sane person like you, who did something wrong, and is now trying to sneak out of punishment.
What if you were having a seizure and your car crashed into traffic and killed someone? Should you be charged with murder? Um, no.
What if you were schizophrenic and thought that someone was trying to kill you, so you hit and killed them? Should you be charged with murder? I can't think of any reasonable person who would say no.
What if you were schizophrenic and thought that up was down and down was up and you would be punished by an avenging angel who lived in your closet if you didn't kill the demon person next door?
Now what if someone CHOOSES to get drunk and crashes their car and kills someone? Okay - that person was sane, made a choice, and killed someone. Yes, they should be punished.
But you have to understand that someone in a state of psychosis IS NOT OPERATING IN REALITY!!! THEY ARE NON COMPOS MENTIS! It's not like they thought, gosh, I am going to do something evil and then lie about my mental state to get away with it. A few people do try that defense, and they generally fail when examined by a psychiatrist. Nobody in this case is disputing the fact that Andrea Yates was psychotic.
If her HUSBAND can fucking forgive her, I think maybe you could demonstrate a little compassion.