Crack you are cute enough for me to date, only I don't date dudes, even dudes confused to their sexuality who grew a vagina.
Originally Posted by lurkette
I love people whose personalities challenge gender assumptions. They seem more "real" to me somehow - like their personalities aren't just the results of passive absorption of society's expectations about gender roles. But I guess some people get bothered by it because they don't know how to pigeonhole you now. Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke. *scratches crotch*
I think people challanging gender assumptions are no different than those who don't in terms of society's expectations. We have been trying to teach men to be less manly and women to be less girly for quite a while now in schools and on most TV shows. What you are seeing is the product of this, though I think its been far more successful at making men act like pussies than making women act more agressive.
I personally am quite happy being 'all man', its worked well for me. (42 on that test, but of course I didn't need a test to tell me that