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Old 07-17-2006, 10:18 AM   #144 (permalink)
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Location: Kittyville
Wow. Getting through these 4 pages was a real chore. Wow.

Some points that haven't been brought up yet (that I noticed):

1. The reason that the US and most of Western Europe are always backing Israel whether they are right or wrong is... because this is all our faults. WE made Israel, now we're responsible for it. The Jews haven't had a state in Jerusalem in 1000 years. Until 90 years ago, when we just put them there. No wonder the Palestinians are so pissed - they've had a way of life for 1000 years and they're supposed to just sit back while some other country says "here, give them your land and play nice"???

2. The analogies around here are just killing me. BUT... here's one more. Ever hear about the school bully? You know, the one that beats every one else up because he's really insecure? That's Israel. They're so finely wired at this point that it takes something little to set them off now. Not that I agree, but I can see where it began...

3. All this bullshit about how it's Lebanon's fault that they have Hezbollah in their country and government... wow. Really? Look, Lebanon - in case you missed the other posts - is recently out of a crazy fucking civil war. They are just getting their shit together, and the only way to stay together is to not piss off the other factions of your country. And Hezbollah... they're not exactly pushovers. How'd they get into power? Oh, I don't know... how did we end up with a idiotic danger to the world as President in the US? I know *I* didn't vote for him... but I can't control who did. There are more parallels between Bush and Hezbollah than I'm completely comfortable with. He's attacking other countries without provocation. He's only sort of been voted in. A huge portion of the country wants him gone. He's getting US citizens killed. Well... hm. Interesting.

4. Look, I have Jewish family. So be in no doubt as to my sympathies. However... Israel IS a terrorist state. Do they have cause? Are they entirely nuts? Yes, and no. But as it's been stated... two wrongs don't make a right. Boohoo, they've made concessions, big whoop. I'm not impressed. They shouldn't be there at all anymore, but that's a moot point now. Frankly, I'm a fan of luring all the armies - Israeli, Palestinians, Hamas, Hezbollah, blah blah... luring them out to the middle of the desert and then blowing them up. Because they are ruining the lives of countless civilians for no good reason.

In reality... what I think should happen is this: lots of sniper troops sent in to kill off all the leaders of the various factions until the people in power end up being peaceable people who actually care about their citizens. That's it.
My heart knows me better than I know myself, so I'm gonna let it do all the talkin'.
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