After reading the spoiler, Spoiler: I'm left wondering how in God's name they are going to have a black Ben Riley. Ben Riley, for those who don't know, was very much inveolved in the Clonage Saga storyline in which Peter Parker was cloned. Ben Riley at first was thought to be the clone. Then it was discovered he was the real Spider-Man. Then it was discovered that Ben was the clone again. Then he became the Scarlet Spider, then when Perter Parker lost his powers, he took over as Spierman. Ben, fo course, dies eventually (by being impailed by Green Goblin #4's glider, not unlike GG#1's death in the first Spider-Man movie)...but he was a very important character. This was years back, and I don't know what's happened since, but the movie franchise is really damning a wonderful storyline by making Ben Riley look nothing like Peter Parker.
Damn it.