Originally Posted by DEI37
The solution to that is simple. Set a precedent. Close up the loopholes. From here on out...you drink & drive, and it results in a fataility other than your own, it's 2nd degree murder. What the problem is? I still say, cop car to electric chair. They get no court date. It's cut and dried, not even the best lawyers should be able to win one like that.
Nice thought, but it's a gross violation of the basic principles that the judicial system is based upon. Everyone deserves due process, and no police officer should be judge, jury and executioner. I'll file this one under "frustration".
Originally Posted by Gilda
If I were in charge of things, first time offenders would lose their licenses permanently nationwide and spend a month in jail, second timers would spend a year. Drunk drivers who kill someone would spend the rest of their lives in prison.
I don't agree with such a harsh punishment for the first offense since mistakes are sometimes made. A permanent ban is fine for the second offense, but how about a loss of license nationwide for a year for the first offense with a permanent ban if you're caught behind the wheel during that year?