The kinds of girl friends who you can trust with your deeper secrets and know they will not betray you are rare. All the more reason to value the ones that you do find that you can trust. Friendship is built, just like any relationship, and people will hurt each other, it's part of the 'relationship' story. But some hurts will be the kind that can heal easier, those are the friends to keep. The ones that hurt you to help you.
Have you talked to your friend and asked her why she betrayed you? It could have been just the excitement of shocking your boyfriend by sharing all your dirt. OR it could have been that she didn't think you two belonged together. Now she should have told you so if that was the case and she went about it all wrong but... you could use this to teach her that she hurt you by not being worthy of your trust.
I've been hurt by friends that I trusted so well, lost good friends that way. It's made me be a tad more careful about what I share and with who. I still share too much I think at times. I've recently had friends turn on me because I've given them too much ammo. It's disappointing, frustrating, and painful. It does get better at least.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.