Well, thanks for answering my question, first of all.
With that being said, I can guarantee you that Israel has taken the necessary diplomatic procedures. Remember that in 2004, as due to the terms of the new Security Council resolution 1559, Syria left Lebanon under the terms that Lebanese would get rid of the Hezebollah located there. Syria did a bit to comply. Lebanon didn't. Israel is still being attacked by Hezbollah from the areas in which Lebanon was supposed to de-Hezebollahfy (All right. I know that's not a real word, but whatever). Basically, what you're saying is that Israel should sit around and do absolutely nothing while being attacked, for fear of turning more Arabs against them.
Do you really think that Lebanon is going to line up every member of Hezbollah and turn them over to Israel? That's a rather nice notion, but not one which is likely to happen. And do you honestly expect any country to maintain a diplomatic process when it's having it's cities bombed, it's people attacked and it's soldiers kidnapped? That's a flat out act of war.
Anyway, Israel has tried to make friends in the middle east. Most people would rather see them destroyed, though. You can't be someone's friend when they refuse to acknowledge your right to exist or to make any concessions in the effort for peace.
Last edited by Infinite_Loser; 07-16-2006 at 05:28 PM..