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Old 07-16-2006, 04:00 PM   #20 (permalink)
hannukah harry
hannukah harry's Avatar
off topic, i cleaned up your formatting, makes it easier to read. could you use the quote format in the future? it really does make going through this a lot easier.

Originally Posted by thingstodo
It would be interesting to know what you do for work that must contribute to you being such an expert on this topic. I mean, are you a trainer with proven results or a doctor or a college biology prof?

You made a pretty good attempt at debunking everything a proven athelete said, which is based on what some pretty darn good trainers out there in the world told him to do. I mean, he's won the toughest Iron Man six times but he wasn't able to make it until he got some quality outside assistance. And, I at least provided supporting documentation through someone like Allen and a major organization dedicated to fitness like Lifetime Fitness.
if you'd really like to play the credential game... i've got a bachelors in exercise science, i'm an ace certified personal trainer (ace = american council on exercise) and run a corporate fitness center. i also have minor experience in cardiac rehab, orthotics/prothetics (even if i can't spell them right), physical therapy and exercise physiology.

mark allen's being a "prove athelete" doesn't mean he knows jack or shit. it means he done did good. have you ever known a good athelete who never trains or practices and still performs very well? look at most body builders. if you go by a lot of what they do, adn what they tell you, you'll end up with a lot of misinformation and half-truths. if i have the right genetics, i could lift with horrible form and too much weight and with the wrong number of sets, reps, and choices of lifts and still get a massive physique. mark allen trained really damn hard and dumb and still out performed what most people could do. it wasn't until he started training smart that made him a champion. and if you read his page, he's generally wrong about how the body works, etc. so i'll go over this one more time for you. by the way, a link to a pdf from a gym is hardly documentation. especially when a) it says that his formula (which he claims is the way to do it) is the least accurate of the three methods of determining your lactate threshold and b) is far from a scientific backing.

Originally Posted by thingstodo
I'm not going to debate what you said here point-by-point. I know what a difference following these guidelines have made for me personally and for others that I have watched and discussed things with. You are certainly welcome to your opinion.
uhm... you just did basically go point-by-point. and i didn't say that his heart rate training program wouldn't work, it will. there's a smarter way then his (the method he gives in the last 1 or 2 paragraphs), but it'lld efinatly work. you are also welcome to your opinoins, but the part we've been debating hasn't really been opinion, it's been fact...

Originally Posted by thingstodo

I can't resist touching on a few points from your post.

Originally Posted by Hannukah Harry

I said that your body does not process fat better, contradicting your statement that it does. Exercise makes your body work more efficiently. But it doesn’t “process fat better.”
I said...

I disagree with what yuou said here and you've provided nothing but a widget analogy to support your point.
the widget analogy was in reference to my previos post (the last part of post #13). i was trying to make an analogy about how the cell makes energy that hopefully you would understand. appearantly, i failed in that. it is possible that i may have taken you too literally when you said "A heart monitor - if you learn to use one right - will help you train your body to process fat more efficiently as fuel. (#12)" but based on the previous posts, i don't think so... if we are just arguing semantics, then i apologize. anyways, let me start over with how fat is processed for energy and why training with (or without a HR monitor) does not make your body more efficient at processing fat as fuel.

1. your heart pumps oxygenated blood through your arteries into your capallaries where the oxygen and glucose, fatty acids and nutrients in the blood are transported into cells. from the cells, waste products of the metabolic pathways are dumped into the blood which is then passed into the veins which are then filted, put through the lungs to get reoxygenated and sent back trhough your circulatory system.

2. fat and pyruvate (by-product of glycolysis) are turned into energy in the mitochondria (powerplant) of cells. they are turned into atp through the krebs/citric acid cycle. they are not burned anywehre else in the cell except the mitochondria.

now, you can not make the krebs cycle more efficient. it's impossible. in a widget factory, you can make the production line more efficient by combining two tasks into one, removing redundant steps, etc. you can not do that in the krebs cycle. it is what it is and that's all that it is. you skip a step and from that point on the molecules in the cycle don't yeild any energy. you can not make your body more effiecient as processing fat as a fuel. through cardio exercise, you can make it so that there are more blood vessels that come and go from your muscles so that more blood (and therefore more O2 and nutrients) can get to and from the cells. with exercise you can increase the number of mitochondria in your cells. that does not make it more efficient. otherwise a factory could just a 2nd widget line and claim that the new output of the two lines is more efficient. it's not. its that you've got more people (mitochondria) doing the work. that's not efficiency. the transportation of O2 and nutrients/waste will be more efficient because they'll be able to get into and out of teh cell more easily.

does that help? if not then someone else will have to explain it, because i can't think of another way to describe efficiency.

Originally Posted by thingstodo
Originally Posted by Hannukah Harry

After reading the Mark Allen link, I’d have to say he doesn’t really understand much about what he’s talking about. He’s a great athlete, but doesn’t seem to understand how the body works. That’s not really surprising though, there are a lot of myths about exercise floating about because a lot of bodybuilders, while they look like they’d know what they’re talking about, really don’t.
I said...

Come on...he doesn't have the best trainers in the world around him so that he can win 6 Iron Mans?
did barry bonds surpass ruth's homerun count because of good trainers or steroids? yes mark allen had good trainers. otherwise he'd still be stuck at his idiotic "no pain no gain" workout full time. if he wants to post about things he doesn't seem to quite understand, he should let the trainers do it for him.

Originally Posted by thingstodo
Originally Posted by Hannukah Harry

Overtraining. If you read the rest of the article, no where does he mention that was the problem.
I said...

It's kind of tough to over train when you plan to ride a bike 100 miles, run 25+ and swim several more...all in one day. You've got to be able to do at least half of that in a training mode at some point to be able to do the whole thing.
it's very easy to overtrain when you're planning on riding 100 miles, run 25+ and swim several more. our bodies are not very good at staying uninjured when putting that much strain on them. most marathon runners do not run a full marathon each day, each week. most will maybe do a full practice marathon every 2-4 weeks. they train hard one day and then light the next to give their body time to recover. that's why his "no pain no gain" training didn't work for him. he worked himself so hard that at some point his body just did not have the time to fully recover and adapt to his workouts. and he was only training one energy system. by mixing them up, you can recover from the previous days workout and see good results. that part of what his trainers had him doing.

Originally Posted by thingstodo
Originally Posted by Hannukah Harry

Eh. Your body is never in a “chemistry that only burns” carbs. If you hooked yourself up to a gas spirometer and did a maxVO2 test, you’d find that until you got to about 97-98% of your maxHR, you’d still be burning some fats.
I said...

Well...they do hook you up at Lifetime and the AT is that point, not 98%. Some fat is very different from mostly sugar.
no, if they hook a normal person up at lifetime, the normal persons LT will be less than 80% their maxHR. A trained athelete will have a LT in the 80-90% maxHR range. most people do not. everyone has the ability to get theirs up there, but that takes lots and lots of training, which most people don't do.

Originally Posted by thingstodo
Originally Posted by Hannukah Harry
This is the second or third time he’s said something in this article that makes me think he’s leaving details out. Mark Allen might know a bit about exercise physiology, might not, but he says some things that make me think he’s leaving info out. Like how did his buddy come up with the 155bpm? Did his friend put him on a treadmill and test his VO2? That’s probably my biggest problem with this article.
I said...

Of course his buddy (aka trainer) tested him. That's what world class athletes do for crying out loud. Do you know who this guy is? He is the Lance of Triathalons.
did he? we weren't told that. according to his story, his buddy just told him to work at a much slower pace. and then we're given an equation that's an estimation of your lactate threshold. now, i'd assume also that his trainers did test him, but i'm very curious as to why he leaves out what seems to be rather important details.

Originally Posted by thingstodo
Originally Posted by Hannukah Harry

Anyways, if you want to properly find your threshold, you can get a gas analysis (which if you notice on the Lifetime chart, it mentions that) or you can go based on a few days workouts and noting where your HR is when your run starts to get hard (when you “hit the wall”).
I said...

Dude...I read the chart...I'm the one that sent it to you! And by the way, my AT is 30 bpm higher (and I've been able to move it up 5 bpm over the past year) than the estimate version, which they say is just a guideline to get started.
good for you (no sarcasm). but doesn't that tell you how that chart isn't quite right? just like you can't say that someone who weights 240lbs is obese (they could be michael jordan), you can't use a little chart like that as more than a mere guideline. and that estimation does not take into account nearly as much for it to be worth a whole lot in my opinion. you know those little charts on treadmills and what not that tell you whether or not you're in the "fat burning zone" or "cardio zone"? those aren't worth a whole lot.

Originally Posted by thingstodo
Originally Posted by Hannukah Harry

As someone (sorry, I’m typing this at work without an internet connection and forgot who posted it) showed in the link on HIIT, studies have shown that HIIT actually more fat loss than a slower paced long session of cardio.
I said...

That comparison actually compared 30 minute sessions for both, not a longer and a shorter session.
not really. they both started at 30min but then the endurance group ended up doing 45min sessions while the HIIT group stayed at a duratoin of 30min. but what i really meant was "why bother running for 60 minutes when you can get the same fatloss from a shorter exercise session?" why spend 60 minutes on a treadmill when you can spend 30 doing HIIT? Hell, since the subjects lost 3 times more bodyfat doing HIIT, one could extrapolate that they could do 1/3 of the time that the endurance people did and still lose the same amount of fat as the endurance people.

Originally Posted by thingstodo
Originally Posted by Hannukah Harry

This is just plain incorrect. Use the real definition, not your own. The more highly trained you are, the higher % of your maxHR you’ll be able to achieve and still be under your lactate threshold.
I said...

I did use the real definition...look at the chart and do the math. The more in shape you are the higher your max, so it's all the math of percentages. And I'm very clear on the fact that everyone is different. That's why there is a chart with lot's of different numbers.
no, you didn't. to quote you, in post #16, "I consider 89-90% of max to be the AT, or anearobic threshold (see the pdf file in my previous post). Below that and you're burning equal amount of fat and sugar until you get to 80% of max." that is wrong. it doesn't matter what you consider to be the AT. each persons is different. for a highly trained athelete, they'll have an AT at 89-90% of their maxHR. but the lactate threshold isn't defined by a heart rate. it is defined by the inflection point on a graph where the lactic acid being generated is greater than that being removed. until that point, you are removing the lactic acid at a rate equal to or greater than it is being created. it is not based on a specific heart rate or percent of your maxHR. you can improve your LT by training around the HR that corresponds to that inflection point.

Originally Posted by thingstodo
Originally Posted by Hannukah Harry
when you do the high endurance stuff, you don’t need to 10-12 minutes of a 60 minute workout. If you do 60 minutes total, you may very well end up overtraining (depends on your fitness level). A good interval training session could be done in 30 minutes.
I said...

So you ass-umed that I meant 60 minutes working out and that didn't include a warm up and cool down. I consider 10 minutes warm up and 5 cool down, with more stretching folling the 60 minute session.
warm-up, cool down and stretching are not part of the "workout." when someone talks about doing 60 minutes on the bike, they don't generally mean from the time they get on to the time they get off, they mean the time working in their target HR zone. and fyi, 1) cool down is a lot more important than the warmup, 2) stretching after working out isn't that important (unless you're participating in a sport that requires lots of flexibility).

Originally Posted by thingstodo
Again, I've provided supporting documentation from a world class athlete who has access to the best trainers in the world and a major fitness group with other top folks in their fields. You've provided only your opinions - where is your credibility? If I sound a little miffed it's because of what I say in this paragraph.

I didn't want to do this debate but I couldn't let some of the things you said go without comment. If there are typos it's because I'm not planning to proof this thing.

Now I'm finished and heading off for a two hour bike ride. I'll probably stay under my AT for most of it.
a chart from a health club and an article from an athelete is not supporting documentation.

warning: you might want to use IE to look at these sources. i was having problems doing it with


on stretching (to preempt responses)

Originally Posted by ACSM

Q: How valuable is stretching in a training program?
A: Scientific studies have failed to conclusively demonstrate that stretching prevents injury.
However, stretching does have some benefits. Flexibility is particularly important in most sports.

Aging typically robs the body of flexibility. Daily stretching can help maintain flexibility, and this

can lead to improved performance. So keep stretching! Make sure you perform your stretches in a safe
manner. Overzealousness can lead to injury.

Page 2 Spring 2005 Fit Society

Originally Posted by ACSM
There are myths surrounding exercise intensity and losing body fat. One of the most common myths is

that to lose body fat it is better to work at a lower intensity as opposed to a higher intensity (i.e.,

it’s better to walk than to jog). The truth is that while you do burn a higher percent of calories
from fat when you walk compared to when you jog, you burn a higher total number of
calories from both fat and carbohydrates when jogging compared to walking. Moral of
the story: the higher the intensity, the more total calories you will burn.

Page 5 Spring 2005 Fit Society
Originally Posted by NSCA
Its (periodizations) basic premise is that through manipulating training volume and intensity, in conjunction wtih appropriately timed short unloading phases, the athelete can reach peak condition at the appropriate time, and minimize the risk for overtraining. Page 8.
Originally Posted by NSCA
On the other hand, it has been stated many times that running at 40-55% of your maximum heart rate is more effective for fat burning. However, the statement "More fat is burned at lower levels of intensity" is absolutely false. It is true that a higher percentage of of fat is burned when low or medium levels of intensity are applied. The absolute amount of fat burned during exercise, however, is definitively higher when intensity is increased. Page 12
Originally Posted by NCSA
In reality, the bottom line is that without proper recovery, your body will not achieve all the potential benefits from training. page 24
is that enough citing for you? if not, i'll do more...

Originally Posted by level five
Wow Wow wow. my first time here after registration and I run into a cool discussion like this one!! everyone presents some great information. i have to agree with things to do since i work out a lot. plus hannukah harry, he is right in that you did not include sourced material. much evidence has been presented and is out there for these heart rate monitors and that kind of training. i know many people that use them over anything else in their bag of tricks. i personally think that the right clothes like cool max makes a big difference in how you feel, even over shoes.

my first post--woot woot!!
heya... welcome! you're right i didn't include sourced material. but i didn't think some of the basics (like how a cell makes energy) needed sources. and i'm still gonna let you google that one, even though i explained it for you (general you, not you you). now don't get me wrong, i'm a fan of HR monitors, i have and use one. and if you're training for competition, they're an important tool to have. but they aren't absolutely necessary. a good pair of shoes are. get crappy shoes and you'll be getting nice little stress injuries soon enough. proper clothing is also important. on a warm day you need to be wearing clothes that don't overheat you and on cold days you need clothes that will keep you warm but also wick away the sweat.
shabbat shalom, mother fucker! - the hebrew hammer
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