Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
Hezbollah bombs Israel because they want them destroyed. Israel bombs Lebanon is hopes of crippling Hezbollah.
Yes, there is a HUGE difference. That's my point. State sponsored terrorism is quite a bit different than terrorism carried out by an independant organization. Hezbollah operates in Lebanon, but not on behalf of them. The citizens who died in the bombings were not singing the praises of the Hezbollah. Israel, the state, is attacking Lebanon, the state. That's war. It's disproportinate, and it's attacking the wrong people. It's like needing to amputate a toe, so the doctor cuts off your leg. Overkill.
Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
Hezbollah holds fourteen seats in the 128 member Lebanese parliament. If the terrorist group which almost weekly carries out some form of attack against Israelies openly holds some amount political power, it seems a good reason to go after Lebanon, does it not?
The government? Sure. Some poor guy trying to get on a plane? Nope. Israel targeted civilians in order to terrorize the Lebanese populace. It's a classic Israeli tactic.
Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
I know what happened in 1982 with the invasion of Lebanon. Israel did withdraw it's forces from Lebanon but they're still attacked by Hezbollah (Continually attacked, I might add). If the Lebanese government wants to take a stand, then they should start by curtailing the activities of Hezbollah in their own country. They can openly state that they don't support Hezbollah, but when Hezbollah holds some amount of political say-so in the country well... That just makes the Lebanese government out to be hypocrites.
Name one governmental body in the history of the world that isn't hypocritical. I think that Lebanon has improved by leaps and bounds from where it was even 5 years ago. Hezbollah activity is down, not up. Slowly Lebanon is weeding out radicals. The PLO is gone now. The Syrians and Iranians commanding and influencing the Hezbollah are next.
Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
That's not a very good analogy in this case, because Lebanon does have ties to Hezbollah-- They hold fourteen of 128 seats in the Lebanese parliament. Is it any wonder why Israel would go after Lebanon?
Okay, I get it 14 out of 128. Do you know how many Hazbollah sympathizers and members were in the government 10 years ago? Again, we are seeing improvement. Yes, we should still do everything we can to stop Hezbaollah from carrying out attacks. That doesn't mean attacking innocent civilians and committing an act of war against a neighbor.
Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
but isn't that what Hezzbollah, Hamas, and the Palestinian suicide bombers have been doing, killing innocent civilians?
I have friends and family, Israeli and Lebanese... I'm quite torn about this, but I know that it's wrong to kill innocent civilians, while I can't say who started it first, I do know that Hamas and Hezzbollah continued after Israel made an attempt at peace, even at the risk of internal political fallout.
Hezbollah deserves to be brought to justice for what they've done, not just now, but over the past 20 years. They are by definition a terrorist group. They are trying to declair war on Israel.
Lebanese citizens do not deserve to be bombed for things that they have not done and probably don't condone. They are by deffinition innocent. Most of them want to live in peace with Israel.
Are the Lebanese to be responsible for all the wrong doings of people residing in their country? Do they really deserve death for that?
I have to admit to being VERY surprised at the responses about these attacks. I know people like to side with Israel, but I can' see how this is excusable in any way.