Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
Would you like me to post pictures of bombed Israeli homes? I could, but that'd be rather pointless.
It would illustrate quite well that two wrongs don't make a right.
Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
Hezbollah's actions-- If carried out against any other country-- Would be considered an act of war. I can't speak for Israel, but I believe their aim is to cripple Hezbollah rather than to purposely kill innocent civilians. As bad as it sounds, there will always be civilian casualties in a skirmish such as this one. It's unavoidable.
Is Israel at war with Hezbollah or Lebanon? Because it looks to me like the latter is bearing the brunt of the attack.
If Israel were pointing their guns at Hezbollah soldiers and innocent Lebanese citizens were running by and got caught in the crossfire, then I might be able to understand that. That's not the case here. Israel is attacking Lebanon, not just Hezbollah.
Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
Once again I repeat, as cynical as it sounds there will always be civilian casualities, no matter what precautions are taken beforehand. There is absolutely no way to target just the terrorists. Instead of blaming Israel, why don't you blame the Lebanese government for not taking a strong stand against Hezbollah? It's just my opinion, but it seems to me as it the Lebanese government cares more about destroying Israel than it does about it's own citizens.
That's not reflected by history. Lebanon took in Palestinian refugees during the Arab-Israeli conflict. Syria attacks some of the stronger Palestinian groups in Lebanon who are fighting the Maronite militias. Syria occupied Lebanon until last year. In 1978 Palestinian forces who had fled to Lebanon orchestrated cross-border attacks on Israel, so Israel invaded and occupied Lebanon (all because Lebaon was trying to help the Palestinians). The PLO ( a terrorist organization working indipendantly of the Lebanese government) set up shop in Lebanon and attacked Israel again in the early 80s. This is when Hezbollah was said to have formed. Israel ivaded Lebanon AGAIN. Israel didn't completly withdraw forces until 2000. Iran and Syria are the heavy influence on Hezbollah forces, not the Lebanese government, which on the whole is trying desperately to seperate itself from the Israel/Syria-Iran conflict. In order to remain neutral, the President must be a Maronite Catholic Christian, the Prime Minister must be a Sunni Muslim, and the Speaker of the Parliament must be a Shi'a Muslim. I think that's pretty brilliant. I see that as an honest step in the right direction.
Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
This isn't just about two soldiers. It's basically the culmination of years of terrorist attacks against Israel, even amidst the concessions Israel has made in the search for peace.
I like the analogy used before. Imagine you're getting shot at by your neighbor, but your neighbor has no control over the weapon. It's actually being controlled from down the street. What do you do? Do you attack your neightbor? Or do you go after the guys down the street? Israel went after it's neighbor.
You seem to think that because Israel has been through really bad stuff, that it's somehow okay to attack innocent civilians. Well it's not. Hezbollah attacked Israel, not the Lebanese people. The Lebanese people have been victimized enough already by arab and jew alike. I'm sick of it, and I've never even been to Lebanon.
Hezbollah = guilty
Lebanese civilians = innocent
...one of these things is not like the others.
1) Hezbollah
2) al Qaeda
3) PLO
4) Lebanese civilians