alos the reason why israel is so mad about having their people being killed by these militants because it happens weekly. and the countries where these terrorists take refuge denounce their actions but secretly support them. while it is hypocritical, what are they to do. i mena right after the israelis gave land last year, what did the palestinians do. they destroyed the buildings that they could have live din. they burned down farms that they could have used to support themselves. they destroyed every single synogogue, which is not surprising, but the motivivation behind it is disgusting. and yet there are still attacks. even what israel does do somehting that many of the people who denounce israel consider right, they dont get any slack from their critics or the militants still commiting attacks to this day.
i agree infinite loser, what else are they to do. siplomacy will not work. every action israel takes, they get criticised for. i can guarantee that there are large factions out there that will not rest until israel and every jew is gone out of the middle east. this is not about the disputed lands. this is about israel as a whole.
Last edited by Nirvana; 07-15-2006 at 07:33 PM..
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