Ihave been in that chair sooooo many times.... and suffered thru many hair cuts and colors I didn't really want but yet still paid for...
Inthe chair you are a kind of a captive audience to the "expert" in some cases they do know whatthey are talking about, in others - not so much.
What Ithink you should do, andme to, is go in for a consultation first... put the scissors and the bottles down... and talk about what YOU want.. length, lenth of time you want to spend doing it, COLOR - and what color would be flattering on you...
Brownis a tough color on people, especially if you've been blond, it can wash out some people, but done correctly it's beautiful... Kinda like red - there are a lot of really bad reds out there but done correctly, it's beautiful...
You have to discuss what you really want and be assertive about it - you don't want to be blonde anymore...because the maintence of the roots is too time consuming (or whatever reason) you want to go darker...
As for the shampoo and product business -yeah it's upselling... some grocery store brands of shampoo are absolute crap, but others are good...
have even been told that it would be really hard to dye it a darker color at this point.
that's a ridiculous answer from a stylist, it'd be easier and probably better for your hair because it's a single process... going back to blond would be a lot harder...