Originally Posted by The_Jazz
I have to disagree with hiredgun's definition. I think the kidnappers absolutely fit the definition of "terrorist"
Does this include our government who has kidnapped many people and moved them to guantamo? And don't say that all those people were guilty there is at least 1 case I know of where a guy was completely innocent and he is trying to sue the US government now. Also is it considered kidnapping if you take a soldier?
For the record, I define a "terrorist" as an irregular soldier of a losely organized group that uses violent acts (kidnapping would indeed be included) to attempt to exact revenge or obtain non-monetary concessions from a government.
This definition would include our founding fathers and everyone who faught in the revolutionary war.
Terrorist has been redefined to anyone who is fighting against us that does not follow the rules set by us. Even though these rules effectively make them unable to fight. It is wrong to make a roadside bomb (IED) but ok to drop huge bombs from the air.