Okay. So I’m the last person on earth. I assume the scenario is I wake up one morning and everyone’s gone (disappeared – abducted during my sleep or something). Everything still functions as you said (at least until lack of human maintenance causes things to break down)
If depression doesn’t set in (and end up ending my own life). I would realize I’m a male. Therefore is NO way to try to repopulate the earth. Even if I was female and had kids, their children would come out mentally messed up.
I would sit down and decide between two courses of action.
1) Stay where I am (Easy Bay Area, California) – the most likely decision, or
2) Get moving.
If I stay where I am, I will head out to the locksmith store then to the local CostCo. I could live there for YEARS (if I take the time to properly preserve the food). Food will be frozen (when the expiration date nears), the food court has cooking items (mmmmm pizzas for months), and they have mattresses, clothing, power tools, bathrooms, first aid kits, entertainment, even gas, a tire shop, and a demonstration vehicle! (which is at the moment a H3 Hummer).
After I got those affairs in order, I’d go to the gun store because it’s just a matter of time when the animals start attacking each other and me when I’m out and about. With an H3 hummer, I’d just make 3 trips and clean it out. I’d also go to my local fishing store since my CostCo is located about 200 yards from the bay. Once I ran outta food I could fish.
Then I would start preserving food. They sell those little vacuum sealer machines/bags. I’d separate the foods and start sealing them up, and sticking them in the freezer. I’d move food into the refrigerator/freezer. Even if the electricity stops, the coldness of the frozen food and the seals on the opening will continue to keep the food cold for quite some time.
If food runs out or spoils I can climb on top of my CostCo building and easily see and shoot game. I can cook with the propane BBQ grills CostCo has, along with the propane tanks.
Before the electricity goes down, I’d use CostCo’s laptops (break into the “cage” where they keep all the high price items) then travel until I found a wireless internet signal. Then I’d start to download everything. Music, porn (hey, there’s no other humans), movies, whatever you got, I’ll take it! I’d put the music onto ALL the iPods they have (because eventually I can’t recharge them when the batter dies).
Actually you know what? I’d just go out and find a bunch of generators! Fuck that, I don’t have to live without electricity! :-P
Once I got all the necessary stuff done, and I’m just about dying from boredom, I’d just start tearing down buildings, trying to restore the earth. I’d take the near-expired food to put out to keep the animals occupied (to prevent attacking me), and just start leveling stuff. Burn ‘em, blow them down with Internet info, whatever means necessary. Replant trees, bushes, flowers, whatever I find at Home Depot, K-mart, Orchard’s supply, nurseries, etc.
And that’s what I do. Pretty well thought out, isn’t it?
Some other things I would do.
Go to the bookstore and get a book about medicine. I just remembered CostCo also has a pharmacy. Get books on hunting, skinning and game prep, medicine and general self care, and.... cooking (Why? keep reading!)
Burn the wood pallets they put merchandise on (the non painted ones anyway) for general useage.
Put their bottled water into black garbage bags to prevent molding.
Use their flour and sugar and baking goods to make yummy-licious pastry.
Last edited by Jason762; 07-13-2006 at 03:27 PM..