Originally Posted by willravel
My naievety aside for the moment, are you suggesting that the effect of driving is copmparable to the effects of alcohol and marijuana? I beg to differ. Yes, driving can assist in the release of andorphins, adrenaline, and a slew of other chemicals as a response to stimuli, but alcohol and tetrahydrachloride are dumped into the blood stream directly, not as a result of the body releasing chemicals in response to external stumilation. Basically, it's apples (alcohol), oranges (thc), and fruit cake (driving). I see alcohol and thc as much more linked, espically if the question of legality is brought up, than either of the two and driving. Maybe I'm missing something.
Well in the world of 'ifs', we get to play with realuity, so let's try this:
What if alcohol had been made to be illegla dn the state had stuck to it's guns, and marijuana had never been abolished, and is still legal today? We'd probably have a lot of people drinking dangerous moonshine, and eventually moving on from alcohol to other illegal drugs. The difference between this hypothetical and the real world, is that people getting drunk and possibly not understanding the consequences - consequences that we understand because we are raised in a society where alcohol is legal and taugh along with other social norms - could lead to much worse problems than marijuana could ever lead to. Not going to college and staying at your job at Blockbuster isn't as bad as beating your wife or driving drunk.
Yes, people would move on to something else to enjoy themselves if alcohol were banned. I see this as you supporting my point. Legalize marijuana and you have less people who are willing to bend their legal morals to get high. Can you imagine something like cocaine being the first illegal drug you try instead of mj? That is a HUGE step. I suspect that people would be less willing to take that step if it were so much bigger.
That is true. I see the effects of marijuana as being less dangerous overall than the effects of alcohol. Both, in moderation, are harmless. In excess the resulyts are decidedly different.
I wasn't suggesting that driving was the same as drugs, just that it had an effect on the mind.
Your second point really boils down to failures in education systems more than anything else. I know signifcantly more bums due to cannabis than i know of wife beaters due to alcohol. Would you agree with me that someone who beats their wife already has some issues that the alcohol is only exasperating?
I also know of at least 3 idiots who went straight to coke or other class A's completly side stepping cannabis. They apparently think it will make them a bum. Like i said, not the smartest bunch.
Personally i think alot of kids smoke cannabis because of the fact it's illegal, just to push back against whatever they feel is pushing them. That was certainly the way for me. If you take away the illegality factor, what are kids going to be doing instead? I know its cliche to bitch about the children, but i think its a valid point.
Yes people would move onto something else if alcohol was banned, but what would that be exactly is the problem. cannabis and having a fun night out arn't two things that often go together.