I guess I'm not the odd after reading some of these posts (except for the corpse sex which i doubt is true)
These are all from high school:
I used to take shortcut between some neighbors yards from my friends house. One night, I just stood in the middle of the yard and jerked it.
Once I was staying at my friends house and was watching some soft core porn on the tv and rubbed one out. Did I mention that my friend was asleep about 10 feet from me? Yeah that was weird when I think about it now.
Once I was taking a dump at my friends house during a party....his brother left a stack of playboys in the bathroom and I decided after flushing and wiping that it was a good moment to shake hands with the unemployed.
Once I was doing homework at the kitchen table while everyone was asleep and just dropped goo underneath the table into a napkin.
Once I went to the bathroom during school and stroked it. I didn't ask to use the bathroom to piss or shit, I asked to use the bathroom because I thought it would be funny to polish the bishop at school.
And once I did it in my car while driving home late one night. Just to do it.