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Old 07-13-2006, 11:41 AM   #19 (permalink)
Originally Posted by Seaver
Host, I know I dont do this much, but I bow to you. You're right.
Thank you, Seaver. Please consider where we are, and our abilities, here, vs.
in prior times. Our great grandfathers gathered in saloons, or parlors, or on the trolley, and, like us, today, they discussed politics. They spoke off the cuff, they read what was reported in their newspapers, and later, heard what was broadcast on the radio. When the USS Maine exploded in Havana harbor, the incident planted the seeds for the expression, "Remember the Maine". People "knew what they knew". In a political discussion, there was not opportunity for anyone, in near "real time" to use a internet, to put something like the following reports, together.

We have this gift...this opportunity. Let us use it...all of as many of our posts as possible. Formerly, something like the following could only be assembled, years later, by scholars using libraries, if it happened at all:

Last night, Robert Novak was caught in a signifigant lie....I'll highlight it in bold. Consider what some Americans are "fed" by "news" outlets, such as foxnews and wizbang. Consider what MSNBC, Murray Waas, and Bloomberg all reported, independently. Consider the comments of foxnews "legal consultant" and former judge, Napolitano.

Seaver, I want to take you at your word. I welcome your comments and analysis of what I've put in this post:
July 13, 2006
Novak Says No One In Administration Ever Said Anything Critical Of Wilson To Him

The Robert Novak revelations in the Plame matter have been covered here at Wizbang quite comprehensively already (see here, here, here, here and here), but a few additional pieces of information Novak revealed in his Fox News interviews yesterday should be noted. In fact, if the story were not already cast in stone in so many media outlets, the Novak statements would be heralded as blockbuster revelations that shed new light on the entire story.

In interviews on Special Report with Brit Hume and Hannity & Colmes, Novak added some additional information to the column that was published on Tuesday. He disclosed the following:
The discussions with his original source, who has not yet been named, and with Karl Rove, were initiated by Novak and were discussions pertaining generally to the Niger uranium story, not the specific issue of who sent Wilson on the mission.

Novak says he did not believe the information regarding Plame from the original source was a conscious leak.

The references to Plame came up in the middle of the discussions. Novak was the one that asked why Wilson would have been chosen for the mission.

Not only was nobody pushing Novak the information about Valerie Plame, but Novak says that nobody in the administration ever said anything critical of Wilson to him.

Novak's discussion of Valerie Plame with Rove lasted about 20 seconds and consisted of Novak saying he heard Wilson's wife worked at the CIA and played a role in Wilson getting the mission and Rove replying "Oh, you know that, too?"

<b>These statements stand in stark contrast to the story woven by Joe Wilson and media of an administration desperate and hell bent to do anything and everything to discredit Wilson and to punish him and his wife for daring to speak against the President. That version of the story has been repeated as fact on all three networks and in numerous other outlets. I wonder if even one major media outlet will see fit to correct their earlier reports.</b>

The AP is still Rove-obsessed, but at least in <a href="">this piece</a> there are extended quotes from the Novak interview so it is worth reading......
I see nothing in the key points of wizbang's reporting, above, that seems accurate. If you diagree, please state your case, and let's try to have an actual, political discussion on a TFP Politics thread!
Thu, Jul 13, 2006 1:26pm EST

Napolitano made the false -- and absurd -- claim that Wilson listed Plame's CIA employment in Who's Who entry
Summary: Fox News' Andrew P. Napolitano claimed that former ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV "told Who's Who in America to put that his wife was a CIA operative." In fact, Wilson's entry in Who's Who mentioned his wife's name -- Valerie Elise Plame -- but not her occupation.

On the July 12 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends First, Fox News senior judicial analyst Andrew P. Napolitano, a former New Jersey superior court judge, claimed falsely -- and absurdly -- that former ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV "told Who's Who in America to put that his wife was a CIA operative." In fact, Wilson's entry in Who's Who mentioned his wife's name -- Valerie Elise Plame -- but not her occupation, the disclosure of which gave rise to the appointment of special counsel Patrick J. Fitzgerald to investigate.

Later, on that day's edition of Fox & Friends, both Fox News host Brit Hume and Fox & Friends co-host E.D. Hill contradicted Napolitano's suggestion; Hume stated that Who's Who "didn't tell him [syndicated columnist Robert D. Novak] where she worked," while Hill said that "of course, it [the entry] didn't say 'CIA agent.' "

From the July 12 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends First:

DOOCY: Robert Novak is speaking out. He's got a column today, and tonight he's going to be speaking to Brit [Hume] and also Hannity & Colmes. And here's what we know. He says that after two and a half years of being investigated by the special prosecutor, Mr. Fitzgerald has made it clear that he, Mr. Ro -- Mr. Novak is in the clear and now he can talk.

NAPOLITANO: And he has indicated that he learned who Valerie Plame was from her husband's listing in Who's Who in America.

DOOCY: Wait a minute. A book that anybody could just check out of the library? That's where her name came from?

NAPOLITANO: Absolutely. And guess who decides what goes in your listing in Who's Who? You do. So therefore, it is Mr. Wilson who told Who's Who to put that his wife was a CIA operative.

From the July 12 edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends:

DOOCY: It's pretty interesting. Apparently, there's a publication where Mr. Novak found the name of Mrs. Wilson.

HUME: Yeah, he found -- he found her name in Who's Who. Of course, that didn't tell him where she worked.


DOOCY: But we do know some of the information now about some of the sources, and in particular, it's so galling -- you know, so many people have had their panties all bunched up for the last couple of years. Well, how could they possibly know that Valerie Plame was Joe Wilson's wife? Well, as it turns out, Joe Wilson put that information himself in a publication that is called Who's Who in America. You're asked to write your own biography or check things. He put his wife's name in there. That's how R. Novak got her name.

HILL: But it didn't -- but of course it didn't say "CIA agent."

Rove-Novak Call Was Concern To Leak Investigators

By Murray Waas, National Journal
© National Journal Group Inc.
Thursday, May 25, 2006

On September 29, 2003, three days after it became known that the CIA had asked the Justice Department to investigate who leaked the name of covert CIA officer Valerie Plame, columnist Robert Novak telephoned White House senior adviser Karl Rove to assure Rove that he would protect him from being harmed by the investigation, according to people with firsthand knowledge of the federal grand jury testimony of both men.

Suspicious that Rove and Novak might have devised a cover story during that conversation to protect Rove, federal investigators briefed then-Attorney General John Ashcroft on the matter in the early stages of the investigation in fall 2003, according to officials with direct knowledge of those briefings......
(from host: I'll change the link to a hannity/foxnews transcript if it becomes available...)
Thursday, Jul 13

Novak Says Waas Is A Liar

You know about all that great press Murray Waas has received for his scoops on the Libby case? Bob Novak says it's all bunch of lies.

From "Hannity & Colmes":

COLMES: Welcome back to "Hannity & Colmes." We now continue our FOX News exclusive interview with syndicated columnist and FOX News contributor Robert Novak.

Bob, it's been reported that Karl Rove testified to the grand jury that, during his telephone call with you on September 29th, which was three days after it was known that the CIA asked Justice to investigate, that you said words to the effect to Rove, "You're not going to get burned."

Is that accurate? And can you give us context on that, if that was actually said?

NOVAK: That was not said; <h3>that's a total lie. It was reported by one reporter in one not-very-widely-read publication. It was not picked up in the general press.</h3>

And the idea that there was any such under-the-table arrangement between me and Rove, of course, would have created a lot of trouble with the special prosecutor. And there was never any action taken by him on that score.

COLMES: So you're saying "Newsday" was wrong in this report, and Murray Waas, "National Journal," was wrong...

NOVAK: Absolutely.

COLMES: ... and these people have purposefully misrepresented you?

NOVAK: I never give motives, but I know that the Murray Waas piece in the "National Journal," which interestingly was not picked up by anybody, was totally wrong and a total lie.
<b>AND HERE IT IS, IN MAY, "PICKED UP BY TWO outlets of the "general press", independently, it would seem; MSNBC & Bloomberg....</b>
'Hardball with Chris Matthews' for May 25
Read the transcript to the Thursday 5 pm show
Updated: 1:16 p.m. ET May 26, 2006

....SHUSTER: According to Libby‘s grand jury testimony about Cheney, the vice president saw Joe Wilson‘s op-ed as an attack on his credibility. Prosecutor questioned to Libby, “Was it a topic that was discussed on a daily basis?” Libby: “Yes, sir.”

“And it was discussed on multiple occasions each day, in fact?” “Yes, sir.” And during that time, did the vice president indicate that he was upset that this article was out there which falsely in his view attacked his own credibility?” “Yes, sir.”

“And do you recall what it is that the vice president said?” “I recall that he was very keen to get the truth out. He wanted to get all the facts out about what he had or hadn‘t done, what the facts were or were not. He was very keen about that and said it repeatedly.”

One alleged fact the vice president seemed to zero in on was the idea that nepotism contributed to Joe Wilson‘s findings. On a copy of the Wilson op-ed, Cheney wrote, quote, “did his wife send him on a junket?”

Prosecutors are not asserting that Cheney instructed Libby to leak to reporters and then lie about it to the grand jury. But Patrick Fitzgerald argues that Cheney‘s interactions with Libby were a key part of what motivated Libby to obstruct the investigation.

Fitzgerald indicated that he may call Cheney as a prosecution witness. Cheney‘s testimony would be used to prove that Libby learned Valerie Wilson‘s identity from the vice president and other government officials, not from reporters.

SOL WISENBERG, FMR. DEPUTY INDEPENDENT COUNSEL: So if you‘re the prosecutor, you want to be looking at everything, every little thing that could get you to convince a jury this is not the kind of thing that a person would forget.

<b>SHUSTER: Last week, Scooter Libby‘s defense team downplayed the significance of Vice President Cheney‘s notes on the Wilson column by declaring Libby never saw the notes until the FBI showed him a copy. But in the actual grand jury testimony released by Fitzgerald, Libby said of the column, quote, “It‘s possible if it was sitting on his desk that, you know, my eye went across it.”</b>

Documents released earlier in the case indicate Vice President Cheney and Libby talked about the Wilsons on the very day Libby allegedly leaked her identity to two reporters. Is Patrick Fitzgerald trying to build a case against Vice President Cheney?

TURLEY: Well, sometimes prosecutors will not indict someone in the hopes that a former colleague will flip, like Scooter Libby. But I got to tell you, they can wait till the cows come home, but Scooter Libby is not going to flip on Dick Cheney.

SHUSTER: Meanwhile, in the investigation of Karl Rove, <b>sources close to the presidential adviser are now confirming a story first reported in the “National Journal” that Rove, who was a source for columnist Bob Novak, later had a separate conversation with Novak after the investigation began.</b>

Former federal prosecutors are convinced Fitzgerald has explored whether Rove and Novak coordinated their testimony, but today a spokesman for Karl Rove said, quote, “Karl Rove has never urged anyone directly or indirectly to withhold information from the special counsel or to testify falsely. Circulating such speculation now is nothing short of irresponsible.”

(on camera): But the contention is not that Karl Rove urged Bob Novak to withhold information. Rather, it‘s that Rove was assured early in the case that Novak was not going to burn him. Today Robert Novak was unavailable for comment.

As far as the overall investigation, including the Scooter Libby Case, there was also no comment today from an official who has now emerged as a central figure: Vice President Cheney.

I‘m David Shuster for HARDBALL in Washington.


MATTHEWS: Thank you, David Shuster........
Novak Told Rove He Wouldn't Identify Him, Person Familiar Says

May 25 (Bloomberg) -- Syndicated columnist Robert Novak assured presidential adviser Karl Rove that he wouldn't identify him to prosecutors investigating the disclosure of a CIA agent's name, a person familiar with the matter said.

Rove told a grand jury that Novak called him shortly after the Central Intelligence Agency asked the Justice Department to investigate who leaked the name of operative Valerie Plame to Novak and other reporters, the person, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said. Novak revealed Plame's name in a July 14, 2003, column, citing unnamed administration officials.

The National Journal, which reported earlier today on the Sept. 29, 2003, conversation between Rove and Novak, said Justice Department prosecutors were concerned that Rove and Novak may have been working on a cover story to protect Rove. The report, citing people familiar with the grand jury testimony of both men, said then-Attorney General John Ashcroft was briefed on the matter.

Rove's attorney, Robert Luskin, said the White House deputy chief of staff didn't conspire to hide information.....

...The person familiar with Rove's grand jury testimony said Rove told the panel that during his phone call with Novak, Novak told him that he wouldn't hurt Rove before the grand jury. Rove also told the panel that Novak assured him that he would never reveal an unnamed source, the person familiar with Rove's testimony said.

Fitzgerald has said in court filings that evidence in the Libby case suggests ``a plan to discredit, punish or seek revenge against Mr. Wilson.''

Last edited by host; 07-13-2006 at 11:49 AM..
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