Originally Posted by willravel
But by the same right shouldn't we re-criminalize alcohol? If a substance that can be dangerous and can modify one's mental state to the point where they have slow or different reactions to stimuli, and can be dangerous, should be outlawed and banned, then why stop at marijuana? What's the point of outlawing a substance that's kind of unsafe, but keep a very unsafe substance legal? I see these two topics as being fundamentally linked.
I'm not sure if alcohol should be legal or not, but at the end of the day people need to be responsible for their own actions. Some people make bad decisions with alcohol, but most make reasonable and safe decisions. Not everyone who drinks is an alcoholic. Likewise, if marijuana were legal, not all people who smoked would be potheads.
That argument is like saying we should ban cars because they kill so many people each year. They're a part of our lifestyle, realistically there is no chance that they can be taken away. Cannabis can stay illegial with less effort that it would take to criminalise alcohol, and without the riots.
The topics are linked, no doubt, but is in improper to start preaching one way or another about alcohol when the debate isn't about alcohol.