Originally Posted by willravel
I've heard a lot more stories about alcohol than I have marijuana. How many times in the local news paper have we read about some teenagers plowing into a phone pole after doing shots or drinking beer? Compare that to how often we hear about the same thing happening to people who were just coming from a Phish concert. Marijuana isn't harmless, but making it illegal because it can do harm is not on par with our treatment of alcohol.
Let me put it this way: Alcohol was once made to be illegal. That failed because of non compliance. If we would have had the same result of the prohibition on marijuana, would they have legalized it again? I honestly don't know. All I know is I doubt anyone could make the argument that alcohol was less dangerous than marijuana.
I don't think i made one mention about alcohol, let alone it being more dangerous than pot
My point was about keep pot criminalised. I already know that alcohol is nasty stuff.