Sit down and reread what you wrote about how she's only spent the night at your place 3-4 times over the course of a 2 yr relationship.
Over time most relationships either end or they slowly,naturally progress further, spending weekends, living together,engagement,marriage.
There's been no progression over time in the status of this relationship and that speaks volumes. The two of you have basically just been treading water.
not going forward but not having the courage to directly address the issue.
If I were you I'd sit her down and tell her that you find her a fun gal to hang out with,that the sex has been decent but that you don't see her as live in SO or wife material, then either agree to a non-excluisive relationship or end it entirely.
These kind of stalled relationships can drag on and on forever and are the type of relationship that ends up leaving people jaded and too bitter to appreciate or even recognise the next great potential partner they might meet.
Btw, if you sit down and really get honest with yourself I think you might realise that you were able to forgive her cheating because you're not really all that into her.. you know it,she obviously knows it and it goes unsaid but not unfelt by you both. I'd end it.