1. Find guns. Lots of guns. I would become very paranoid, and would be on the lookout for everything. Get lots of ammo
2. Figure out if everyone is really dead. If dead bodies are everywhere, have some fun with a group of dead chicks. *it sounds weird now, but it wouldn't be at that time. And it wouldn't be good if it was a biological thing that killed everyone.
3. Learn taxidermy to keep a few humans around that look somewhat normal. Not for use if viruses killed everybody either.
4. Travel down to Texas, find a big house on a lake to take over, and hunt cows (if they are still around) when needed.
5. If there is a way to get gasoline, and a EMP didn't wipe out all of the electronics, I would find a nice sports car to use. Or I would take a military humvee.
6. Find solar panels and generators to have electricity.
7. Find a CB radio/ FM radio station/ AM radio/ TV? Try to see if anyone if left. Put out radio announcements.
8. Get night vision goggles, binoculars, weapons, motion sensors and be paranoid that someone is out to get you.
9. Get a bunch of food that doesn't go bad that quickly from grocery stores.
10. Have fun and travel, take a yacht out and go fishing, steal/borrow things, find cool places to live.