Originally Posted by JinnKai
When I got to the zoo, I'd break down the gates and set free all of the animals. No human caretakers to feed them, but they'll be at least a little better off foraging for themselves.
Hmmm would the animals know how to feed themselves? Be interesting to know. They came from the wild, but they've been fed instead of getting it themselves.
And the lions and tigers and bears (oh my!) would probably kill the other zoo animals for food, so some wouldn't suffer.
Just make sure you're in a safe spot when you release that Bengal Tiger! :-O
Has anyone considered hunting for proteins? Gun stores would be available and animals would be rampant, and after a long period of time (possibly) a threat.
Think about the dogs. They're used to being fed. You are walking around, and walk into their terrortitory. They're hungry, you're invading their home... whatchu gonna do?
Anyway, I'll come back and post what I'd do when I'm not on my mobile device.
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