Originally Posted by Ustwo
So true man, I know lots of kids who flunked out of school because of excessive tylenol use. While I don't buy the 'gateway' drug theory all that much, I think people more likely to try harder drugs will start with MJ, but those who are not will not be lead to them BY MJ, thats a pretty silly anology.
For me, cough syrup was my gateway drug. I hadn't even TRIED or thought about trying weed when I was downing coughsyrup in order to get a high. And even then, I haven't done any hardcore drugs to this day. Gateway drugs, my ass. Marijuana should definitely be legalised.
Originally Posted by hulk
And being a dopey teenager, sleeping 5-6 hours a day more than normal and losing the drive to do more than smoke pot and sleep isn't harmful at all, right?
That only happens if used in excess- and it's not addictive. Frankly, that "doped up teenager" stereotype is totally overdone in movies and the media.