Originally Posted by Ustwo
So true man, I know lots of kids who flunked out of school because of excessive tylenol use. While I don't buy the 'gateway' drug theory all that much, I think people more likely to try harder drugs will start with MJ, but those who are not will not be lead to them BY MJ, thats a pretty silly anology.
Marijuana is only a gateway drug because it is illegal (which means if tylonol were illegal, it could very well be a gateway drug...who knows?). What do you think he statisctics are between people who drop out because of marijuana vs. alcohol? While I can't really make any decent arguments over why alcohol is illegal (besides the fact that making it illegal fails), the fact is that there are much more dangerous substances with a lot less value that are perfectly legal for responsible adults.
Maybe a better comparison would be Codine, Robitussin, or another drug that can have a noticable effect on perception. Bottome line: marijuana is really only bad because it's illegal.