Originally Posted by Ustwo
I remember when we called these people bums.
Get a fucking job for christs sake and learn to save the money you do make. So some guy is in the army and makes no plans for his future outside of the army and we are all suppose to feel bad for him? Is there a reason he couldn't reup? I thought we were told there was a recruiting shortage.
I'm all for supporting vets who get disabled in the line of duty, but that doesn't mean being a vet is a life long meal ticket.
Nice pointless tie in with GWB there too xepherys.
Edit: I thought I'd add this bit.
I see so he had 'everything' as a soldier as offered and now that he is out he should still have everything paid for by other peoples money even though he isn't doing anything anymore.
Almost all of those sob stories have nothing to do with being in Iraq but a lot to do with not planning very well. What did he do to support himself and three children prior to joining the army? What does her boyfriend robbing her have to do with Iraq? Also saying ulcerative colitis was caused by the stress of Iraq is wild speculation on the part of the doctors, being we don't know the exact cause of it, and you have to have a predisposition to it, oh and it normally affects people ages 15-30.
Points like the ones you make were what motivated "Stolen Valor's" author to write his book.
I read somewhere that there are more "Vietnam Vets" on streetcorners in the US than the total number of men who served there.
I'm sure it's not true, but it makes the point--if you've done a poor job of managing your life, the easiest way to garner sympathy, money, and government benefits is to blame it on your military service.
Especially if you never served.