Originally Posted by Gatorade Frost
I thought Multiple Personality Disorder was a myth?
Nope, not a myth, although many people claim it to try to get out of trouble which is why it's lost credibility. It's rare, but it does exist although hard to prove without a lot of clinical psychiatric visits. From what I've read, and I'm cynical so I don't believe all the information, a person typically has a very stressful moment. Post-traumatic stress cause the person to feel like they can't take it anymore (aka suicidal) so another personality is developed to handle the situation and the main personality is 'put to sleep'. It's a survival technique of sorts.
Multiple personalities are set up inside the person like a monologue play. There is a stage and a light and only one personality can be on at a time and the others are 'sleeping'. A very good book for people interested in this is The Minds of Billy Milligan (easily found on Google). The man had 24 personalities in him and committed many crimes in Ohio. It goes into the background and research of multiple personalities, but isn't too technical because it's a crime biography novel. They are in the process of making a movie which is due out in a couple of years.