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Old 07-11-2006, 10:11 AM   #26 (permalink)
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Location: Some place windy
Originally Posted by Frosstbyte
At my office the other day one of my bosses was talking about how one of her kids was screaming on an airplane one time and some woman kept turning around whenever the kid would scream and give my boss a dirty look. My boss eventually said, "What do you want me to do? If I could stop the screaming I would" and the woman stopped. My boss seemed very offended that someone would hold her responsible for having a screaming kid on the plane. I, needless to say, kept my mouth shut.
I imagine that it his hard to to calm a child once they start screaming on a plane. My daughter has been on 10+ flights and she's 3yo. She has never screamed on a flight. She has been cranky, but manageable. My wife and I prepare for flights with our daughter by packing snacks, juice, new coloring books, small quiet toys, a small dvd player, small games, etc. It seems to help.
Quote: have parents like those in the examples given in this thread who clearly missed the memo about having respect for people around them.
I imagine that there are many good parents and well behaved children that have respect for people around them. We tend to notice the annoying ones. They stand out.
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