If the population elects a terrorist organization, in their 'democratic' process... If the government continues to allow terrorist organizations to work, and shoot hundreds of rockets daily. They continue to not only not disarm, but train new terrorist cells, what should a country do? Israel gets heat if they close the border completely, and that does not stop them from trying to dig and attack,to shoot.
Imagine if your town was getting shot at with rockets daily. And the minute you try to defend yourself, you get yelled at. Sorry but if you have a terrorist government, participating in ground assault on a neighboring country. Rocket attacks on the neighboring country. Kidnapping of government people of a neighboring country (this being a soldier, they also murdered a civilian as well), how long would you accept it as being norm. After all it is not the 'palestenian population' they only elected the terrorists. The country accepts them and honors them as martyrs.
Sorry while I feel bad for the average citizen, the government is to blame, they have to stop acting as a terrorist organization. They have to disarm the militants. They have to build a country, but they do not seem to want that.
So I understand your point, but the problem is that your point does not work, over all, since it does not solve the terrorist attacks and the fact that they are governed by a terrorist organization that is dedicated to the destruction of Israel). I am sorry I am mistaken, they do not even recognize Israel right to exist as a nation.