Originally Posted by warrrreagl
I can either eat with wild kids or eat at exclusive/expensive restaurants? That's my only choice? No, there is a third option - the one I was raised under. Teach kids to behave in public. They're not too young to start, you know. Don't think of a restaurant as a Hands-On Discovery Science Museum/Playground. Think of it as a place where people like to eat in peace and civility.
this part, you get a huge Amen. But, then again, you and I were raised in, and by, a different generation. If you can't/won't control your offspring...then resign yourself to eating at McDonald's for the next few years. Conversely...don't go into McDonald's expecting well behaved children. Fair's fair after all. Oh...and I
have a toddler, by the way. So, I
know when he's going to be "good" enough to endure a sit down restaurant, or whether it's going to be Mac tonight.
Still...as long as there were no disruptions to your meal...what does it really hurt if the restaurant heats up a baby's bottle? Small stuff, in comparison...I think.
How's your sister doin'?