Originally Posted by athletics
For beginners, overhauling your diet is very tough and should be done over time to lead to longevity. The foods you eat and crave are very much a part of your lifestyle. This needs to develop over time. Any one can start with small goals, no fried foods, little sugar, no late carbs. Have a long term goal and remember no one is perfect. One thing I have done for a while is through out the week, eat like you should to gain your goals, then once a week for dinner eat what ever you want.
Thanks for mentioning this. I went to a nutritionist back in October of last year, in the hopes of improving my diet - I'm also skinny and am gaining muscle, but I feel like I could be seeing much better results if I fix what I'm eating - and she gave me this complete overhaul of every single meal, and after about six weeks, I gave up. It was too much. I've been feeling guilty about it ever since.
Now I know that even making small changes for the moment are a good step in the right direction.