Did the article say anything about them trying to sell Pepsi the Coke "secret formula?" 'Cos if it did, then I missed it.
Back when I used to work for Coke I was told that there is not one person on the face of the planet that knows the whole formula - the CEO knows half and the Head of Operations knows the other half. This was apparently done to ensure that competitors would not be able to merely buy the formula from the guy in the know. And it's no secret that Pepsi was trying to replicate Coke for a long time. I don't know if they still are though. They've probably given up since blind taste tests prove that most people prefer Pepsi over Coke (I'm not one of them though - Pepsi tastes like sewerage to me).
I was also told that there is only one plant in the world that manufactures Coke syrup. This is then transported to the bottling plants all over the world where it is diluted with water to make the soft drink.
All very interesting, don't you know?