Originally Posted by Scorpion23
Thanks for the ideas, but as Chris suggested they aren't on the main network. The faculty is so worried about virus attacks that all equipment is isolated. It was hard enough to convince my professors that a central backup drive wouldn't compromise security.
ratbastid, that's what I thought. Serves me right for trusting in Word.
Worried about a viruses and worms? Do they have a LAN that is locked down, on my campus we have several VLAN's one for staff, one for student, and then several extra quarantine LANs. Is it the faculty that is concerned or the IT staff, I bet you the professors are overacting.
Bottom line, if you are doing anything computer related on campus, you need to talk with the IT department. I hate finding rouge wireless networks that have access to our main servers from some professor that thinks they know about networking. This one time, one of our 'brilliant' professors set up a DHCP server on our network, hosed the network in his building for a few hours before we tracked it down.
Originally Posted by Chris H
He Said that the ones in the lab are hooked up to equipment and if they are specialist things they might not be hooked up to the main network say if they were macs and the main network is for windows...
Mac or PC, it makes no difference to an experience IT staff, Mac can handle almost anything, excluding DFS, but DFS sucks anyways.