Originally Posted by Mondak
Dave and shut up bitch
The whole point of the Mr and Mrs is to be respectful. If they want you to call them Bob and Martha, then doing otherwise would be ignoring their wishes. Regardless of upbringing traditions, respect dictates calling them what they wish to be called- and yeah, some people outright HATE being called Mr or Mrs Whatever.
That being said, i've had 4 serious girlfriends... I have yet to address any of them directly in a way that would require such a use of names. If you do it right, you can almost always avoid using the name. With the first, I saw her parents constantly while we went out over 5 months. The second, I was with for 3.5 years. I went and stayed with them for a total of almost two months, living with them. The third I only met her parents once and managed to avoid calling them anything and was with her for 6 months, and the forth I was with for about 6 months and never met her parents, even though her parents lived closer than any of my other girlfriends' parents did.
I've been thinking it for a while, though... when I meet "the one", i'll feel the need to address her parents directly. Unless they're assholes, in which case I'll be ignoring them.