Originally Posted by lurkette
I wish I had a great big magic 8 ball that would tell me what to do
Lurkette, I'm going to have to second this.... wouldn't that be nice?
I'm going through the exact same thing that you are, except that my husband is 100% not on board with having any children or adopting... so it is a bigger choice for my own personal circumstances if I feel this is something that's really important to me.
I'm going to have to say that I didn't want children for some years, or rather, I was unsure, but in the past two-three years, It's becoming clear to me it's something I am truly interested in as a life choice ... it's emotion based and an urge I have, and my husband does not understand my urge since he does not have any similar urges.
I was a nanny for some time and I think that's where my thinking changed.... tucking a child in for a nap, helping them learn to read, giving them a hug when they fall down, doing your best to cheer them up when they are grumpy and had a bad day at kindergarden.... it's work and it's not always easy, but i found the experience very rewarding....
I would like to thank you and everyone who has shared their thoughts so candidly....