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Old 07-07-2006, 10:02 AM   #12 (permalink)
Originally Posted by powerclown
Bush is in a no-win situation. If there were to be an attack on the United States, big or small, the press would complain that it was because Bush and the government weren't doing enough to protect the people. They'd be eaten alive. But as long as there are no attacks, it's ok for idiots like Bill Keller to release classified information related to stopping terrorism. Bush's poll approval ratings are back up in the mid 40s as well.
Please defend your "idiots like Bill Keller" statement. I find it especially offensive, because I've put the time in to make the thorough case that the Times acted on my behalf, and that they broke no law, because it is not illegal to publish the classified information that they published.

Would you have us know, if it was up to you, nothing about the controversial ,measures that the Bush administration has taken, simply because they stamped most of their unilateral decisions as "classified"? I asked before...if, after five years without a terrorist attack on American soil, this country, when it is spending double on it's military per year, as it did in 2000, and ten times as much as it's next nearest rival, cannot err on the side of a free press and a transparent and accountable government, <b>what country can do that, and when?</b>

How do we know what, about their policymaking, to support or criticize, if Keller cannot publish what he knows, simply because the administration stamps the majority of it's decisions as classified? Does the time we live in and the threats that we face, really compare in immediacy and scope to the Civil War, WWI, or WWII? If you think that it does, please provide references that support how a stateless threat by "evil doers", can trump the right to know of the people of the most powerful nation, militarily, in history?

Here is some of the record of this administration's decision making, when it comes to protecting our security and communicating the threat level:

Bush appointed Porter Goss to head the CIA, and Goss appointed unknown CIA middle manager Kyle "Dusty" Foggo to be CIA #3....executive director, equivalent to the director of operations. Foggo is the best friend....all of his life....of Brent Wilkes, co-conspirator #1 in the Duke Cunningham scandal.

Bush appointed Bernard Kerik to head the new DHS, and then hastily withdrew that appointment:
Published: June 30, 2006

Bernard B. Kerik, the former New York City police commissioner, pleaded guilty today to two misdemeanor charges as the result of accepting tens of thousands of dollars of gifts and a loan while he was a city official in the late 1990's......
The white house was caught using the DHS color coded terror alert warning system for political purposes, needlessly raising public concerns, airport delays, and the expense of living in the country for all of us......
Posted 5/10/2005 11:21 PM
Ridge reveals clashes on alerts
By Mimi Hall, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — The Bush administration periodically put the USA on high alert for terrorist attacks even though then-Homeland Security chief Tom Ridge argued there was only flimsy evidence to justify raising the threat level, Ridge now says.......
The chief of staff in the OVP office was revealed in news reporting, and in releases from special counsel Patrick Fitzgerald to be directly involved in telling reporters the name of a classified status employee of the CIA. Then, he lied to the FBI and a federal grand jury about what he had done.

It has been falsely claimed that the administration's handling of pre-Iraq invasion intelligence had been "vetted" by the 9/11 Commission, Sen. Pat Roberts Senate Select Intelligence Committee, and the Robb-Silbermann Investigation, when it fact, all three investigations released reports that stated that they had avoided or been directed, not to investigate that important issue. Roberts has dividing the "phases" of his postpone investigating and reporting on that intelligence handling investigation for two full years, now, and will continue to delay disclosure at least until after the election in November.

I'm only touching the surface, powerclown, for the reasons that I believe that it is my right to know, and Bill Keller's right to report what the administration is doing, that makes your "idiot" label, extreme...... especially in view of the circumstances that clearly make it obvious that this administration is not even attempting to be transparent, accountable, or deserving of our trust. Why not leave the attacks and name calling to Cheney and congressional republicans, why join their chorus? If the news reporting did any harm, where are the examples of that "harm"? Why not make a case that rebuts my documented opinion that Keller was exercising his paper's legitimate contitutional right to publish classified info that did not fall into the narrow realm of prohibited categories?

Your contention that Bush's polling has risen signifigantly does not seem that signifigant:

Time Poll conducted by Schulman, Ronca & Bucuvalas (SRBI) Public Affairs. June 27-29, 2006. N=1,003 adults nationwide. MoE � 3.

"In general, do you approve or disapprove of the way President Bush is handling his job as president?"

Approve 35 %
Disapprove 59 %

Unsure 6 %

FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. June 27-28, 2006. N=900 registered voters nationwide. MoE � 3. LV = likely voters

"Do you approve or disapprove of the job George W. Bush is doing as president?"


Approve 41%

Disapprove 50%

Unsure 9%

Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg Poll. June 24-27, 2006. N=1,321 adults nationwide. MoE � 3. RV = registered voters. LV = likely voters.

"Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president?"


Approve 41 %

Disapprove 56 %

Unsure 3 %

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