Originally Posted by willravel
If I had to guess, I'd say that 50% of drivers break at least one traffic law per week (includes speeding, changing lanes without signaling, running red lights and stop signs, cutting people off, tailgating, and road rage illegally passing, not understanding the simple process of a 4 way stop, and obviously trying to kill me). That's based off my observation, but I'd be willing to bet statistics would support my claim. That's down right dangerous.
One a week?? If speeding, and not signalling count, I break at least one a day... If you count speeding in each seperate speed limit I go through, I probably break the law 5 times a day. I don't speed excessivly, but 5mph still counts by your opinion I would think. Granted on a three lane highway with two other cars on it when I'm on my way to work it really isnt so dangerous to change lanes without signaling, and i do check all mirrors and blindspots, but still.