You would probably be fine with a duration that high. You would probably won't notice any vacuum issues, although you might want to look into getting a camshaft with a ecm chip designed for it, or maybe just a performance chip designed for a higher duration cam. Is it auto or standard? Your specified duration is nearing the point where your stock torque converter will not work properly. What are you setting the car up for? If its a daily driver then i dont know if you want to put that hot of a cam into it. You're basically moving the power band to 3000-6500 rpm. If you think youre going to spend the majority of your driving within that range, then go for it. Otherwise I would step down on the cam a little and try to squeeze power from somewhere else, like the heads for example.
On a side note, my buddy did this conversion on his non-trans am carbureated firebird. He just put in a factory GM stock crate 350, and the difference was very noticible.
good luck.
edit: just read your new post. With a duration that high, you definately will not pass an emissions test...
so much to do, so little least i aint bored.
Last edited by BigTruck1956; 07-06-2006 at 05:36 PM..