Originally Posted by xepherys
a) That's not always true. Private school teachers are not government employees, for instance.
You need to reread what I wrote, which is true.
b) Not all government workers fit the bill of civil servants. A mayor is a civil servant. His secretary is a secretary. *shrug*
Originally Posted by Dictionary.com
civil service
n. Abbr. CS
1. Those branches of public service that are not legislative, judicial, or military and in which employment is usually based on competitive examination.
2. The entire body of persons employed by the civil branches of a government.
By the first definition, the military aren't civil service, and given that it has civil in the name, that's hardly surprising, but public school teachers are. By the second, both the military and public school teachers are.
In any case, I did work for the government for seven years, and am now an employee of a state institution.
Well, I'll agree to disagree on the first part. As for the latter, I can't tell if you are glad or bitter, but it's a point you seem to feel strongly about. Besides, the times they are a changin'.
Why would I be bitter about an organization defining me and my family as second class citizens, and fighting vigorously to defend and to retain that institutionalized bigotry?