Sony just launched a new ad campaign for its new ceramic white PSP in Holland which depicts, in different billboards, the violent clashing of a white and a black woman:
The campaign has started racist accusations against Sony, and for the time, the ads have been removed from the official Dutch PSP site.
Personally, i don't think their racist, i think they're very bad ads in the sense that they imply, one way or another, that either black or white PSPs are better than the other (the kicking ass message is very clear i think), which is not the case as they have the same exact specs except for the color.
I know that is possible that i don't see any racist connotations in the ads 'cause i'm from Guatemala, and slavery between whites and blacks was inexistant, however, i can see how some people may feel offended by them. Anyway, i know that the racial issue is a big thing almost everywhere else but i can't stop thinking as well that many people is oversensitive and narrow sighted when it comes to this issues.
I recall an episode from South Park in which Chef wants the town's flag to be changed as it is racist (it depicts what seems to be 4 guys hanging a black guy) and the childs are against the change because they beleive that murder is part of human and Soth Park's history. The childs never saw skin colors in the guys in the flag, they saw humans killing another human, this pretty much sums what i feel about racism and laws that try to protect blacks, gays, woman, etc..., i beleive that its this laws and this narrow sighted appreciation of things that are racist.
We are all humans and equal in rights and obligations, whenever you start making laws or giving a different treatment to what is perceived as the "weak" side, there is where racism, and biggotry starts.
(keep in mind that english is not my first language, so excuse me for my writing)