Originally Posted by lurkette
Congratulations! I like the name, and I'm sure the TFP community is honored by having taken part in your choice. I envy her the head-start in the height race...I was 17" long and wound up being 5'1"...convenient for standing up in crowded airplanes and doing the limbo, but less so for reaching stuff on the top shelf. I know there's no absolute correlation between birth height and adult height, but still...I hope she grows up to be one of those tall beautiful women!
Sometimes there is a corellation. My daughter was only 19.5(and 6 lbs)and her brother 20.25(and 6.5 lbs) and he's now 6ft tall and skinny and she's 5'2 and perfectly proportioned. They've maintained a good 2-4 inches difference all through childhood until he gained 7 inches in less than a year. (they're 14)
I just looked at my baby book( yea, still have it!) and I was 19 inches and 7 lbs, 1 oz. At the age of two, daddy measured me and estimated I'd be 5'10-I'm 5'8 but got the legs of someone who should be taller. Daoust is tall; if they measure their daughter on her second birthday and double it, they'll get an idea how tall she'll be as an adult.